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China's Esports School Recommendations for Aspiring Gamers.

发布日期:2024-04-15 20:55    点击次数:68
China's Esports School Recommendations for Aspiring Gamers Esports has become a rapidly growing industry in China, with many young gamers aspiring to become professionals. In order to pursue a career in this field, it is important to receive proper...

China's Esports School Recommendations for Aspiring Gamers.

China's Esports School Recommendations for Aspiring Gamers

Esports has become a rapidly growing industry in China, with many young gamers aspiring to become professionals. In order to pursue a career in this field, it is important to receive proper training and education. Here are some recommendations for esports schools in China:

Tencent Esports Academy

Tencent, one of China's biggest gaming companies, has established the Tencent Esports Academy. Located in the city of Wuhan, the academy offers a four-year undergraduate program in esports. Students receive a well-rounded education in not only gaming, but also in areas such as game design, event management, and marketing. The academy also has partnerships with various esports organizations, providing students with practical experience in the industry.

Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation

The Chongqing Vocational College of Transportation offers a three-year program in esports management. The curriculum includes courses in game analysis, event planning and management, and team management. Students also have the opportunity to participate in various gaming events and competitions throughout their studies. The college has established partnerships with esports organizations and companies, providing students with opportunities for internships and job placements.

Shanghai Theatre Academy

The Shanghai Theatre Academy offers a four-year undergraduate program in esports performance. Students receive training in areas such as game strategy, live streaming, and communication skills. The academy also collaborates with professional esports teams, providing students with opportunities for hands-on training and experience. The program emphasizes the importance of both physical and mental health, with courses in sports and psychology included in the curriculum.

Shenyang Sport University

The Shenyang Sport University offers a four-year program in esports science. Students receive a comprehensive education in both gaming and science, with courses in areas such as game analysis, sports science, and computer science. The university has a state-of-the-art esports facility, providing students with optimal training conditions. The program also emphasizes the importance of teamwork and communication skills, preparing students for careers as professional gamers or esports managers.

Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College

The Xiamen University Tan Kah Kee College offers a four-year undergraduate program in esports and digital entertainment. Students receive training in areas such as game design, digital media production, and esports management. The college has established partnerships with various gaming and esports companies, providing students with opportunities for internships and job placements. The program also includes courses in entrepreneurship, preparing students for careers as not only gamers but also as entrepreneurs in the esports industry.

These are just a few examples of the esports schools available in China. As the industry continues to grow, more and more institutions are offering programs and courses in esports. Proper education and training are crucial for aspiring gamers to succeed in this field.
